What is Team Registration Insurance?
Team Registration Insurance reimburses tournament or event registration fees if at least one-third of the covered team is forced to withdraw or unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances. Covered reasons can include:
Travel Delays
Severe Weather
*Please refer to your policy for a full list of covered perils.
How it Works
Many tournaments limit the number of teams allowed to participate, so team administrators typically register their teams months in advance to secure their spot. However, because tournament expenses are set based on the number of participating teams, it’s often difficult for tournament directors to refund a team’s registration fee if they need to withdraw.
Team Registration Insurance offers an alternative solution to the standard no-refund policy, providing peace of mind to both tournament directors and team administrators. If at least one-third of the team is impacted by a serious injury, illness, or unavoidable travel delay or if the event is canceled due to unsafe weather conditions, team administrators can file a claim for registration reimbursement.
The Bottom Line
Team Registration Insurance marks another step forward in our mission to create relevant and unique products that make coverage more accessible on every purchase. If you’re interested in learning more about how Team Registration Insurance can give your sports management platform a leg up on the competition, get in touch with us today.