Extra coverage for unexpected medical bills.
Gap Medical Insurance reimburses up to $5,000 of out-of-pocket medical costs resulting from an accident or an injury that occurs during a covered activity.

Without Gap Medical
ER Visit: $6,000
Primary Health Insurance Covers: $2,800 (80% after $2,500 deductible)
Out-of-Pocket Costs: $2,500 deductible + $700 coinsurance
YOU PAY: $3,200
With Gap Medical
ER Visit: $6,000
Primary Health Insurance Covers: $2,800 (80% after $2,500 deductible)
Gap Medical Covers: $2,500 deductible + $700 coinsurance
No deductibles or copays.
The average deductible for employer-provided family health plans is $2,700, with high-deductible plans averaging about $4,500. This means most families are vulnerable to high out-of-pocket costs if an accident or injury lands them in the hospital.
Gap Medical Insurance has no deductible or copay, so policyholders can easily be reimbursed for medical bills (up to $5,000) without dipping into their health savings account.
Help your customers bridge their health insurance gap.
Unexpected medical bills can significantly impact anyone’s financial situation at any time. However, most people won’t actively seek out additional insurance options on their own.
By embedding Gap Medical Insurance into your platform, you can bring this coverage directly to your customers – giving yourself the competitive edge.