Peace of mind for your education investment.

Without Tuition Insurance
Semester Tuition: $10,000
Room & Board: $5,000
Textbooks: $500
The student is forced to withdraw due to a medical reason.
Amount Reimbursed: $0
With Tuition Insurance
Semester Tuition: $10,000
Insurance (3%): $300
Room & Board: $5,000
Textbooks: $500
The student is forced to withdraw due to a medical reason.
Amount Reimbursed: $15,500
Safeguard the future.
Most post-secondary institutions have limited refund options beyond a brief withdrawal window, leaving students and their families vulnerable to significant financial repercussions if a medical emergency occurs.
Tuition Insurance provides a safety net, covering tuition, room and board, and other related expenses if a student withdraws at the recommendation of their physician or other licensed medical professional.
Help eliminate the financial barriers that stand in the way of their degree.
Tuition Insurance seems like a natural fit – investing in education is not unlike buying a home or a car, and insurance goes hand in hand with those purchases. However, many families are unaware Tuition Insurance even exists as an option.
By embedding Tuition Insurance into your platform, you can give more students and families the confidence to further their education with peace of mind.